Prescription refill pickup

If you simply need a doctor to refill a prescription, you can benefit from our fast and easy prescription refill pickup service.

Here is how it works:

  • 1. Email the clinic

    Email the clinic ( including the following information:

    Full name, social insurance number, and the required prescription.

  • 2. Stop by during the clinic’s opening hours

    Stop by during the clinic’s opening hours and pick up your prescription at the front desk. Please bring your e-card and a photo id with you.

  • 3. Refill on behalf of another person

    If you are picking up a prescription refill on behalf of another person, the clinic must have a signed proxy form on file authorising you to pick up the prescription on their behalf. You must ALSO present the person’s E-CARD! You can also download and print out the form to complete at home here.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the prescription pickup service is for refills on existing prescriptions only. If you are in need of a new/alternative prescription, please schedule a doctor’s appointment for a consultation. You can make appointments online here.